Pluralia Tantum – Polish Language
There are nouns in Polish that appear only in plural form despite having a singular meaning. Because of that, in the case of such types of words, even if we will refer to one object we will use grammatical construction reserved typically for plural nouns.
The Group of Pluralia Tantum is rather small in Polish. Take a look at the most common ones organized in groups which may help you memorize them. Feel free to check out our offers: Polish Certificates Courses and Polish language classes online
Objects that consist of few parts, usually set in a symmetric way (mirror reflection when divided in half)
- Nożyczki (scissors)
- Okulary (glasses)
- Spodnie (trousers)
- Rajstopy (tights)
- Drzwi (doors)
- Schody (stairs)
- Usta (lips)
Names of special periods and dates
- Wakacje (summer holidays)
- Ferie (winter holidays)
- Urodziny (birthday)
- Imieniny (name day)
Some games
- Szachy (chess)
- Kręgle (bowling)
Some geographic names
- Tatry (Tatra Mountains)
- Alpy (Alps)
- Hawaje (Hawaii)
- Bahamy (Bahamas)
- Czechy (Czech Republic)
- Niemcy (Germany)
- Włochy (Italy)
- Węgry (Hungary)
Others: plecy (back), skrzypce (violin), perfumy (perfume)