Why Polish Księżniczka is so much different from Princesses in other languages?
Ksiądz (priest) – książę/księżniczka (prince, princess) –księżyc (Moon)- książka (book).
Why do all of these words with a completely different meanings look so similar in Polish?
Ksiądz (currently meaning priest) in old Polish meant ruler/warlord. His son-successor was referred to as książę (similar to current meaning- a member of the royal family) or księżyc (current meaning Moon). With time after Christianity spread to Polish lands, the word ksiądz changed the meaning for the priest and księżyc gained figurative expression as a satellite of Earth= Moon.
All of these words have the same root as książka (book) – it can easily be explained by the fact that in the Middle Ages priests and rulers were fairly the only ones who could write and read. Because of that in Polish word księżniczka describing a female sovereign or monarch looks so much different than in other languages 🙂
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